[vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_tabs color=”white” active_section=”1″ no_fill_content_area=”true”][vc_tta_section title=”Español” tab_id=”1584915607531-cb510292-d442″][vc_column_text]En esta edición la chef Mariana Müller comparte cinco recetas de estación fáciles de preparar, con productos frescos de su huerta.
Pesto de ortigas y rucoleta
1 ramo grande de hojas de ortiga
1 ramo pequeño de hojas de rucoleta silvestre
2 cdas. de nueces
2 cdas. de queso parmesano
1 diente de ajo
Aceite de oliva c/n
Sal y pimienta c/n
Gotitas de limón c/n
Pasar las hojas de ortiga en agua hirviendo con sal durante 30 segundos y luego refrescar en agua helada. Escurrir y reservar.
Procesar las hojas de ortiga y rucoleta con el ajo, luego agregar las nueces y el queso. Agregar el aceite de a poco hasta emulsionar. Agregar sal, pimienta y jugo de limón a gusto.
Consejo: Ideal para untar focaccias, acompañar pastas y carnes.
Sopa fría de zanahorias, naranjas, cedrón, melisa, jengibre y vinagre de limón
500 g de zanahorias
2 naranjas
1 cdta. de vinagre de limón
Jengibre, Cedrón y Melisa frescos c/n
Licuar todos los ingredientes y pasar por colador. Servir bien frío.
Frutillas, saúco, limas, néctar de saúco y espumante
Frutillas c/n
Flores de saúco c/n
Cáscara de lima c/n
Néctar de saúco c/n
Espumante c/n
Servir en un vaso las frutillas, las flores de saúco, la cáscara de lima, el néctar de saúco y terminar con espumante bien frío. Dejar reposar unos minutos antes de beber.
Manteca de menta, albahaca, olivas y pimienta negra
Manteca c/n
Sal c/n
Pimienta negra c/n
Hojas de menta c/n
Hojas de albahaca c/n
Olivas griegas c/n
Combinar la manteca pomada con sal, pimienta, menta, albahaca y olivas griegas.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”English” tab_id=”1584915607654-bb6ea259-75c3″][vc_column_text]
Secrets and aromas from the garden
In this issue, chef Mariana Müller shares five easy recipes, made with fresh, seasonal produce.
Recipes by Chef Mariana “China” Müller
Photo credits: Belén Meier
Nettle and wall-rocket sauce
1 large bundle of nettle leaves
1 small bundle of wall-rocket leaves
2 tablespoons walnuts
2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
1 garlic clove
Olive oil to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
Lemon juice to taste
Preparation method:
Put the nettle leaves in salted boiling water for 30 seconds and then cool in cold water. Strain and put aside.
Blend the nettle and wall-rocket leaves with the garlic and the add the walnuts and the cheese. Slowly add the olive oil until emulsified. Add salt, pepper and lemon juice as desired.
Tip: This sauce goes very well on focaccias and with pasta and meat.
Cold carrot, orange, lemon verbena, lemon balm, ginger and lemon vinegar soup
18 oz. carrots
2 oranges
1 teaspoon lemon vinegar
Fresh ginger, lemon verbena and lemon balm, as needed
Preparation method:
Blend all the ingredients and strain. Serve cold.
Strawberries, elderflowers, lime, elderberry nectar and sparkling wine
Strawberries, as needed
Elderflowers, as needed
Lime zest, as needed
Elderberry nectar, as needed
Sparkling wine, as needed
Preparation method:
Put the strawberries, the elderflowers, the lime zest and the elderberry nectar in a glass and top with chilled sparkling wine. Let rest for a few minutes before drinking.
Mint, basil, olive and black pepper butter
Butter, as needed
Salt to taste
Black pepper, as needed
Mint leaves, as needed
Basil leaves, as needed
Greek olives, as needed
Preparation method:
Mix the butter (softened) with salt, pepper, mint, basil and Greek olives.
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